La Red Chilena contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres es una articulación de colectivos, organizaciones sociales, no gubernamentales y mujeres, que desde 1990, trabaja con el propósito de contribuir a erradicar la violencia hacia las mujeres y las niñas. Realiza acciones de denuncia, campañas, estudios y otras intervenciones públicas coordinadas en todo el país; organiza ciclos de cine y conversatorios; implementa escuelas de formación y desarrolla desde 2007 la campaña “¡Cuidado! El Machismo Mata” a nivel nacional.
La acción de la Red Chilena se orienta a identificar y visibilizar la violencia contra las mujeres como un continuo presente a lo largo de nuestras vidas; relacionar toda manifestación de violencia contra las mujeres -verbal, sexual, simbólica y el femicidio como expresión extrema- como parte de este continuo; develar el arraigo cultural de la discriminación y la violencia contra las mujeres, particularmente en el lenguaje, y la internalización de la cultura machista en las propias mujeres; identificar y nombrar las particularidades de discriminación y violencia que viven
mujeres migrantes, indígenas, afrodescendientes y lesbianas, entre otras.
La Red Chilena trabaja desde una perspectiva feminista y de derechos humanos, por afirmar el poder y la autonomía de las mujeres. Sus objetivos son:
- Fortalecer el movimiento de mujeres y feminista.
- Promover acciones públicas de rechazo a la violencia contra las mujeres.
- Impulsar transformaciones culturales que desnaturalicen la violencia contra las mujeres.
- Fomentar la participación social en la construcción de políticas públicas y leyes efectivas que prevengan, sancionen y tiendan a erradicar la violencia contra las mujeres.
La Red Chilena vincula organizaciones comprometidas por la erradicación de la violencia hacia las mujeres en 13 regiones del país (de un total de 15). Actualmente, cerca de 300 organizaciones sociales, territoriales y redes de mujeres, colectivos feministas y otras agrupaciones, se hacen parte de la campaña “¡Cuidado! El machismo mata” y/o se articulan en acciones concretas con la Red, entre ellas, grupos de mujeres rurales, indígenas, migrantes, lesbianas, cristianas y laicas. El crecimiento de la Red Chilena es resultado de la consistente acción pública y campañas realizadas en los últimos años.
La Red Chilena contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres es un referente sobre violencia contra las mujeres tanto en Chile como a nivel internacional. Es consultada por diferentes instituciones públicas y privadas, medios de comunicación y personas interesadas.
La Red Chilena obtiene su personería jurídica como Corporación sin fines de lucro el año 2004.
Soledad Rojas, Sandra Palestro, Lorena Astudillo, Carolina Ibacache, Silvana del Valle, Antonia del Solar, Yoselin Fernández, Isadora Castillo, Amanda Aravena, Camila Mondaca y Priscila González.
Who we are / What we do / What we work for
The Chilean Network against Violence towards Women – former Chilean Network against Domestic and Sexual Violence – is a network composed by collectives, CSOs, NGOs and Women´s Organizations.
Since 1990 the Network works with the purpose to help to eradicate violence against women and girls. The Network is very active all year round denouncing violence, designing and implementing awareness campaigns, researching and coordinating public interventions in the whole country. Besides, the Network develops important educational initiatives in various settings, these initiatives always are enhanced through a participative methodology and a methodic approach that makes sure the network learns from the outcome of their own activities, the educational activities range from showing films, especially in rural and remote locations to training schools that consist of several sessions and field experiences. But the single activity that makes the network recognizable by the population, and has marked a trend on the understanding of VAW in Chile is the campaign: Beware! Sexism Kills.
The Network works to make visible and recognizable the violence continuum women endure through their (our) entire lives. The Network intends to make clear the links between every type of VAW – verbal, sexual, symbolic and femicide as an extreme expression, among others – as part of this continuum. The network put an especial emphasis on revealing the cultural roots of violence and discrimination towards women, particularly in the language. Especially challenging, but nevertheless essential is to make women aware of their own internalized sexism[i]
that makes them to reproduce the sexism naturalized in the culture. The Network strives to identify and loudly name the particularities of discrimination and violence that migrant, indigenous, lesbian, and women of African descent, among others, endure.
The Network works from a feminist and human rights perspective, with the aim to assert the women´s power and autonomy. Its objectives are:
- To strengthen women´s and feminist movement.
- To promote public rejection actions towards violence against women.
- To boost cultural transformations in order to denaturalize violence against women.
- To foment social participation and leadership in the creation of public policies and effective laws to prevent, punish and tend to end violence against women.
In 13 regions of the country (there are 16), Red Chilena ties together different organizations who advocate to eradicate violence against women. Nowadays, about 300 social and community organizations, women networks, feminist collectives and other groups, participate in campaing “¡Cuidado! El machismo mata” (Beware! Sexism kills) and/or other collective actions, among them, groups of rural, indigenous, migrant, lesbian, christian and secular women. Red Chilena’s growth is the result of constant public action and campaigns developed in recent years.
The Chilean Network against Violence towards Women is a landmark on VAW in Chile and internationally. It is routinely consulted by a variety of public and private institutions, the media and interested individuals.
The Chilean Network obtained its legal status as a nonprofit corporation in 2004.
The national coordination team consist of: Soledad Rojas, Sandra Palestro, Lorena Astudillo, Carolina Ibacache, Silvana del Valle, Antonia del Solar, Yoselin Fernández, Isadora Castillo, Amanda Aravena, Camila Mondaca y Priscila González.